Goodbye Sweet Lady Red White And Blue
Author: Bernie Wheater - Harvest Time Alert
love what America was to the world, it was the light on the hill that all the world could see. It was the dream, thousands upon thousands left their countries to come and find. America was the greatest experiment in human government in the history of man. That is because the majority of the men that formed this government were strong Christian men, no matter what the history books say to the contrary.
But at the same time I can’t lie and say I love what it is or what it is becoming, in fact I have to say I hate it. We need to get back to our beginning, and our Christian roots or we will lose it all. As I read a short time ago as a comment to something I wrote.
“The hat trick is to actuate another transformational revolution in America that has its foundations into the way of thinking of America’s first successful experimental transformational revolution.”
This is a great quote, his online title is theway2k. It says a lot, and the first transformational revolution in this country was to make a government based on Christian values and governed by the laws of God. As I said we need to get back to our beginning. If we lose track of where we came from we will lose control over where we are going. We didn’t get here over night, it all was taken away from us little by little. One of the first little steps they used was to confuse us as to what kind of government we really have.
Our pledge to our flag states “and to the Republic for which it stands” notice it says to the Republic, so why is it our servants (Not Leaders) in public office always call it a Democracy? The reason is because if they can make us believe it is a Democracy instead of a Republic then we will have to come to see that we are not ruled by law (A Republic) but rather we are ruled by the majority (A Democracy).
Now they can make any group appear to have the support of the majority and make laws to support their will. A Democracy is nothing more than a fancy term for “Mob Rules.”
I remember reading many years ago in the mid 90s somewhere, and I wish I could remember who quoted it but I can’t, but I did write it down and saved it. “A Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for diner”. It is said that this is a Benjamin Franklin quote, but I can find no proof of that and believe me I looked. The full quote is:
“ Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is two wolves attempting to have a sheep for dinner and finding a well-informed, well-armed sheep.”
I am going to reword this quote and make it somewhat mine to show you the difference between a Republic and a Democracy.
“A Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for diner. A Republic is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for diner, but there are laws against eating sheep, and ALL sheep carry guns.”
By getting us to lose our foundation of being a people ruled by law (A Republic) to being a people ruled by the majority (A Democracy) any God given rights we have turn into constitutional rights. Now this is where they trap you, if your rights are Constitutional rights then they are government given, not God given. Now they have you because if they are government given by a government that is majority rules (A Democracy), then they can have you believe that the majority want them taken away.
When we look around at the mess this country is in, is there any one group we can blame for it? Everybody I’ve asked that question to always says no there are too many groups to blame, and they go on to name a few. I’m sure you can name some too. But I believe there is one single group of people we can blame.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Ch 7:14
From this verse taken from the Book I consider to be my authority in all things, it clearly points to one group of people that is to blame for a country that is in a moral mess. It says if His people (Christians) shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways; then (and only then) will He hear from heaven, and He will forgive our sins, and He will heal our land.
I don’t know everything we Christians are doing wrong, but from the looks of America we are doing something if not many things wrong. Maybe we forgot what it is to be humble. Maybe we don’t pray enough or for the right things. Maybe we don’t truly seek His face. Maybe we don’t want to turn from our wicked ways, it’s so much easier to blame someone else. Whatever the reason He is not hearing from heaven, and He is not healing our land.
If American Christians don’t wake up soon, in the near future it will be too late, you can say goodbye to sweet lady Red White And Blue. We will no longer be called the United States of America, we will be called the North American Union. One of ten kingdoms under a Global control.